About Randy
Hi! I’m Randy D. Pearson. Thanks for visiting my website! (Contact info at the bottom of the page)

Way back in 2010!
My creativity and love for the written word came about at a very early age. As a child, I wrote my own comic strip series called The Weirdos, starring Hic and Bunyan. Recently, I came across the first story I ever wrote, a cartoon book entitled, The Adventures of Marvin and Randy, that I concocted at age nine as a birthday gift for my father. From there, I began writing creative fiction and the occasional essay on my Atari 800 home computer.
Over many years of writing fiction, I won several national writing contests, and received honorable mention in an international contest in 2005. I also received honorable mention in 1986 for a novella I “published” on my computer bulletin board system (BBS, the precursor to the Internet). This tale, a ghost story from the ghost’s point of view, is something my mother is convinced was stolen off my BBS and turned into the Patrick Swayze/Demi Moore movie Ghost. (I don’t buy it, but it’s my mom… what’s a son to do?)
Driving Crazy, my debut novel, has had quite the interesting life. Originally it was self-published in 2010 before being picked up by the national company Tate Publishing in 2015. When they went belly-up (actually, they crashed and burned spectacularly), it was re-published by the indie outfit Blue Deco Publishing. Then they went out of business (actually, another spectacular crash-n-burn). So now Driving Crazy is being published through the tiny EdcoCaly Press.

Beardy and cartoony!
My short story collection, Tell Me a Story, was released in Spring 2016 with Blue Deco Publishing, but is now with EdcoCaly as well.
Trac Brothers, my second full-length novel, came out in February 2018, under EdcoCaly. It’s been called a, “Deft trail tale,” “hard to put down,” and “Pearson’s best book yet.”
Then, during the pandemic-filled fun of 2020, I released Trac Brothers II – Santascoy’s Revenge in October. It’s been called “an awesome follow-up story” and “a great mix of fun and scary.”
2023 finally brought forth Off-Worlding, which had been in my mind since the early 1990s.
In addition to these humorous novels, my work has been published in several places: all four of the Writing at the Ledges anthologies, Small Towns: A Map in Words and Seasons of Life, Voices from the Ledges, and the brand new Promptly Speaking – as well as Pets Across America III, Washington Square Review 2011, and Fiction 440 Volume 1. I also have an article about Pinball Pete’s that appeared in Retrocade Magazine.
Contact Information
Email – info@RandyDPearson.com
Facebook – Facebook.com/author.RandyDPearson
Twitter –Twitter.com/RandyDPearson
Amazon Author Page – http://www.amazon.com/author/randypearson
All Author – https://allauthor.com/author/RandyDPearson/
Goodreads – https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/6533281.Randy_D_Pearson